You were wondering...

Beyond Boudoir? Does that mean I need to get naked?

Not if you don’t want to. Primarily, “Beyond” means beyond the conventions: we aren’t going to stick you in the same studio and take the exact same shots as we do of everybody. “Beyond” means beyond the ordinary: each shoot is an experience, custom designed to celebrate you. Secondarily, it also means beyond the boudoir, or, since we don’t really have boudoirs anymore, it means getting out of the bedroom. Into nature or into a garage.

And yes, if you want to, Beyond Boudoir can also mean getting naked, or even doing something more erotic. We are body positive, sex positive, and positivity positive here, but there is no pressure to do anything you don’t want to do.

I don’t look like a model…

That’s okay, neither do I. More importantly, I don’t ascribe to any pre-defined, societally imposed definition of beauty. It’s okay that you’re not 19 years old and a size 0. It’s okay if you are. Our goal is to capture the beauty that is you. Your mission is to be you. Our job is to capture that creatively.

Will my photos be posted on your website?

Only if you want them to be. It’s called “intimate photography” for a reason, and some people don’t want to share their intimate moments with the whole world. We only share the images that you let us. And if you don’t want us to share any? That’s okay.

And if you want the whole gosh darn world to see how beautiful you are? That’s okay, too. We love celebrating the people we shoot.

What should I wear to this?

This is about capturing you. I’d rather photograph you in a ratty old Motorhead tee-shirt that you’ve had since you were 14 and are comfortable in than some fancy new lingerie that you picked up because that’s what society says is sexy. It’s not. Sexy is about attitude. Sexy is about how you wear it, not about what you wear.

Still, some people want these sessions to be outside the norm, so if you’re not happy with your wardrobe, we can recommend some local lingerie shops.

I had this idea…do you take requests?

Do I? Do I ever! I view photography as a collaboration. I’ve got the lights. I’ve got the camera, but you bring the action. And if you have a great idea for a shoot, let me know. I love themed shoots and shoots that tell a story. Of course, I have a whole stack of ideas, too, so it’s okay if you don’t know what to do. During the consultation, we’ll ask questions and hopefully come up with something that works for you.

There are some things I won’t shoot. Too many people have been killed on railway tracks for me to want to take pictures on the tracks. And I don’t do anything that glamourize violence, hate, pain, gore, smoking or anything that denigrates or degrades anyone, especially women. I want to create upbeat, positive and body positive images. Most anything else is on the table, though.

That said, if you want me to shoot exactly like someone else, that’s not going to happen. Any shoot is going to be run through my creative mill to come up with a unique take on it.

I live in Prince George, Do you travel?

Yes. While I primarily serve Grande Prairie, I frequently shoot in Fort St. John and Dawson Creek. I sometimes go to Edmonton or Banff or Vancouver or Prince George or Kelowna. I operate what I call a virtual studio; rather than you come to us, we come to you.

We are starting to partner with some of the best backcountry accommodation locations in the province to offer epic backcountry boudoir. Contact us to find out more about these highly exclusive offerings.

I was thinking about doing a session, but I’m a dude…

What a coincidence. So am I. And it’s not a problem. Our goal is to give everyone the opportunity to feel sexy. I shoot women, men, couples…whoever is willing.

Got a question you’d like us to answer? Send us an email, or fill out our no-obligation consultation form.